DBay Phase 5 - Greenvale Village - Greenmont Court

DBay Phase 5 - Greenvale Village - Greenmont Court

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  • Listing No. 26068S
  • HK$9,280,000
Property Table
Village: Greenvale Village
Building: DBay Phase 5 - Greenvale Village - Greenmont Court
Saleable Area (s.f.): 1406
Gross Area (s.f.): 1644
Bedroom 4
Bathroom: 2
Price/s.f (Saleable): 6600
Price/s.f (Gross): 5645
Outdoor Space:
Property Type: HighRise
Highlight: SOLE AGENT: Nicely renovated joint unit with big and spacious living & dining room, western style open kitchen, enclarged master bedroom, 2 guest bedrooms, study room, helper's room, nice mountain view with good sunlight & airy, MTR & airport bus route
Seaview: No
Direction: W
OP issued in: 1994
Efficiency(%): 86
Bay Window(s.f): 3.7 sm
Maid Quarter: Yes
VP: Sell with tenancy
Agent Name:: Liza Chow(Lic. No.E-199363)
Agent Mobile: 93001832
Agent Email: liza_chow@kaman.com.hk
Mobile Tel: 29877611
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